Wednesday, September 22, 2004


How to title the past day?
I sighting,
but my pen cannot draw them down.
Yesterday, lingering spirit for my soul.
A nightmare wandering in my mind.

I smelt the blood,
heard screaming,
and boom of cannons.
I called myself again'n'again,
to be back to consciousness.

Suddenly, I noted the ancient motto,
"Sky, always blue..."
Thus, I came back to my body.
Nothing've changed.
For the only thing,
I'd be responsible enough for the future.

Thursday, September 16, 2004


Wanna watching this movie for long.

I don't know when and how I fell into the memory of this song,
Its mild melody suddenly push me to translate it.
For my lover'n'this music genius—David Tao:

"Look, at the purple sky,
that on the verge of being dispersed.Endless pictures linger around.
Oh, yeah...
My dear is expecting tomorrow too.

Look, at your sincere face.
The world just like amusementland.
Baby, so sweet in dreaming.
Oh, yeah...
In my arms, you can do your sleep."

Oh, more or less difficult.
Too late tonight,
I think I should complete this in another day. :-(

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The Last Samurai

Wanna watching this movie for long.
Yes, I'm shocked by its melody,
as well as the scenes.

Samurais, the symbol of the former empire.
The spirit and the culture died too.
These terrific scenes remind me of our nation,
and our former ancestors.

The paces of modernization make up our country today.
But how is our former civilization?
It was devoured by the western modernization.
We cannot see the scenes of peaceful village again,
as well as these sincere faces.

These precious humanities and traditions of this nation ruined.
It is not the emperor of Japan cannot hear the voice of samurais,
but the aggressor effaced it.

Samurais once lived.
They lived for their honor and existance.
They were extinguished, but their culture survives.
How about ours?
These excellent culture tradions sank,
and it won't emerg anymore,
what a pity.

Tuesday is no better than Monday

I often considered the world's routine.
How it shines for us.
Logos, what is that for?

In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
All things came into being through him,
and without hime not one thing came into being.
What has come into being in him was life,
and the life was the light of all people.
The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness did not overcome it.

All the theories us into a situation of unconsciousness.
How can we walk away from them?